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Syllabus for Basic computer fundamentals Free PDF Download

Content of Basic computer fundamentals Course

Fees: 2999 INR

The course is designed to aim at imparting a basic level appreciation programme for the common man. After completing the course the incumbent is able to the use the computer for basic purposes of preparing his personnel/business letters, viewing information on Internet (the web), sending mails, using internet banking services etc. This allows a common man or housewife to be also a part of computer users list by making them digitally literate. This would also aid the PC penetration program. This helps the small business communities, housewives to maintain their small account using the computers and enjoy in the world of Information Technology.

The module on financial literacy will enable the individuals to understand the various financial services and be aware of the various schemes of Government of India.

36 Hours. (Theory: 10 hrs + Practical: 22 hrs. + Tutorial: 04 hrs.)


S.No. Chapter Theory
Hours Tutorial
Hours Practical
1. Knowing computer 1 1 1
2. Operating Computer using GUI Based Operating System 1.5 0 4
3. Understanding Word Processing 1.5 1 5
4. Using Spread Sheet 1 1 4
5. Introduction to Internet, WWW and web browsers 2 0 4
6. Communications and Collaboration 1 0 2
7. Making small presentation 1 1 1
8. Financial Literacy for banking Scheme and Applications 1 0 1
Total Hours 10 4 22


1. Knowing computer: What is Computer, Basic Applications of Computer; Components of Computer System, Central Processing Unit (CPU), VDU, Keyboard and Mouse, Other input/output Devices, Computer Memory, Concepts of Hardware and Software; Concept of Computing, Data and Information; Applications of IECT; Connecting keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer to CPU and checking power supply.

2. Operating Computer using GUI Based Operating System: What is an Operating System; Basics of Popular Operating Systems; The User Interface, Using Mouse; Using right Button of the Mouse and Moving Icons on the screen, Use of Common Icons, Status Bar, Using Menu and Menu-selection, Running an Application, Viewing of File, Folders and Directories, Creating and Renaming of files and folders, Opening and closing of different Windows; Using help; Creating Short cuts, Basics of O.S Setup; Common utilities.

3. Understanding Word Processing: Word Processing Basics; Opening and Closing of documents; Text creation and Manipulation; Formatting of text; Table handling; Spell check, language setting and thesaurus; Printing of word document.

4. Using Spread Sheet: Basics of Spreadsheet; Manipulation of cells; Formulas and Functions; Editing of Spread Sheet, printing of Spread Sheet.

5. Introduction to Internet, WWW and Web Browsers: Basic of Computer networks; LAN, WAN; Concept of Internet; Applications of Internet; connecting to internet; What is ISP; Knowing the Internet; Basics of internet connectivity related troubleshooting, World Wide Web; Web Browsing softwares, Search Engines; Understanding URL; Domain name; IP Address; Using e-governance website

6. Communications and collaboration: Basics of electronic mail; Getting an email account; Sending and receiving emails; Accessing sent emails; Using Emails; Document collaboration; Instant Messaging; Netiquettes.

7. Making Small Presentation: Basics of presentation software; Creating Presentation; Preparation and Presentation of Slides; Slide Show; Taking printouts of presentation / handouts.

8. Financial Literacy for Banking Scheme and Applications: Why savings are needed, Why save in a bank, Banking products-ATM card, Banking Instruments-Cheque, Demand Draft (DD), Banking Services Delivery Channels, Know Your Customer (KYC), Opening of bank account and documents required, Types of bank accounts etc



1.0 Introduction
1.1 Objectives
1.2 What is Computer?
1.2.1 Basic Applications of Computer
1.3 Components of Computer System
1.3.1 Central Processing Unit
1.3.2 Keyboard, mouse and VDU
1.3.3 Other Input devices
1.3.4 Other Output devices
1.3.5 Computer Memory
1.4 Concept of Hardware and Software
1.4.1 Hardware
1.4.2 Software Application Software Systems software
1.5 Concept of computing, data and information
1.6 Applications of IECT
1.6.1 e-governance
1.6.2 Entertainment
1.7 Bringing computer to life
1.7.1 Connecting keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer to CPU
1.7.2 Checking power supply
1.8 Summary
1.9 Model Answers

2.0 Introduction
2.1 Objectives
2.2 Basics of Operating System
2.2.1 Operating system
2.2.2 Basics of popular operating system (LINUX, WINDOWS)
2.3 The User Interface
2.3.1 Task Bar
2.3.2 Icons
2.3.3 Menu
2.3.4 Running an Application
2.4 Operating System Simple Setting
2.4.1 Changing System Date And Time
2.4.2 Changing Display Properties
2.4.3 To Add Or Remove A Windows Component
2.4.4 Changing Mouse Properties
2.4.5 Adding and removing Printers
2.5 File and Directory Management
2.5.1 Creating and renaming of files and directories

2.6 Common utilities
2.7 Summary
2.8 Model Answers
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Objectives
3.2 Word Processing Basics
3.2.1 Opening Word Processing Package
3.2.2 Menu Bar
3.2.3 Using The Help
3.2.4 Using The Icons Below Menu Bar
3.3 Opening and closing Documents
3.3.1 Opening Documents
3.3.2 Save and Save as
3.3.3 Page Setup
3.3.4 Print Preview
3.3.5 Printing of Documents
3.4 Text Creation and manipulation
3.4.1 Document Creation
3.4.2 Editing Text
3.4.3 Text Selection
3.4.4 Cut, Copy and Paste
3.4.5 Spell check
3.4.6 Thesaurus
3.5 Formatting the Text
3.5.1 Font and Size selection
3.5.2 Alignment of Text
3.5.3 Paragraph Indenting
3.5.4 Bullets and Numbering
3.5.5 Changing case
3.6 Table Manipulation
3.6.1 Draw Table
3.6.2 Changing cell width and height
3.6.3 Alignment of Text in cell
3.6.4 Delete / Insertion of row and column
3.6.5 Border and shading
3.7 Summary
3.8 Model Answers

4.0 Introduction
4.1 Objectives
4.2 Elements of Electronic Spread Sheet
4.2.1 Opening of Spread Sheet
4.2.2 Addressing of Cells

4.2.3 Printing of Spread Sheet
4.2.4 Saving Workbooks
4.3 Manipulation of Cells
4.3.1 Entering Text, Numbers and Dates
4.3.2 Creating Text, Number and Date Series
4.3.3 Editing Worksheet Data
4.3.4 Inserting and Deleting Rows, Column
4.3.5 Changing Cell Height and Width
4.4 Formulas and Function
4.4.1 Using Formulas
4.4.2 Function
4.5 Summary
4.6 Model Answers

5.0 Introduction
5.1 Objectives
5.2 Basic of Computer Networks
5.2.1 Local Area Network (LAN)
5.2.2 Wide Area Network (WAN)
5.3 Internet
5.3.1 Concept of Internet
5.3.2 Applications of Internet
5.3.3 Connecting to the Internet
5.3.4 Troubleshooting
5.4 World Wide Web (WWW)
5.5 Web Browsing Softwares
5.5.1 Popular Web Browsing Softwares
5.6 Search Engines
5.6.1 Popular Search Engines / Search for content
5.6.2 Accessing Web Browser
5.6.3 Using Favorites Folder
5.6.4 Downloading Web Pages
5.6.5 Printing Web Pages
5.7 Understanding URL
5.8 Surfing the web
5.8.1 Using e-governance website
5.9 Summary
5.10 Model Answers

6.0 Introduction
6.1 Objectives
6.2 Basics of E-mail
6.2.1 What is an Electronic Mail
6.2.2 Email Addressing

6.3 Using E-mails
6.3.1 Opening Email account
6.3.2 Mailbox: Inbox and Outbox
6.3.3 Creating and Sending a new E-mail
6.3.4 Replying to an E-mail message
6.3.5 Forwarding an E-mail message
6.3.6 Sorting and Searching emails
6.4 Document collaboration
6.5 Instant Messaging and Collaboration
6.5.1 Using Instant messaging
6.5.2 Instant messaging providers
6.5.3 Netiquettes
6.6 Summary
6.7 Model Answers

7.0 Introduction
71 Objectives
7.2 Basics
7.2.1 Using PowerPoint
7.2.2 Opening A PowerPoint Presentation
7.2.3 Saving A Presentation
7.3 Creation of Presentation
7.3.1 Creating a Presentation Using a Template
7.3.2 Creating a Blank Presentation
7.3.3 Entering and Editing Text
7.3.4 Inserting And Deleting Slides in a Presentation
7.4 Preparation of Slides
7.4.1 Inserting Word Table or An Excel Worksheet
7.4.2 Adding Clip Art Pictures
7.4.3 Inserting Other Objects
7.4.4 Resizing and Scaling an Object
7.5 Presentation of Slides
7.5.1 Viewing A Presentation
7.5.2 Choosing a Set Up for Presentation
7.5.3 Printing Slides And Handouts
7.6 Slide Show
7.6.1 Running a Slide Show
7.6.2 Transition and Slide Timings
7.6.3 Automating a Slide Show
7.7 Summary
7.8 Model Answers
8.0 Introduction

8.1 Objectives
8.2 Why Savings are needed?
8.2.1 Emergencies
8.2.2 Future Needs
8.2.3 Large expenses
8.3 Drawbacks of keeping Cash at home
8.3.1 Unsafe
8.3.2 Loss of Growth Opportunity
8.3.3 No Credit Eligibility
8.4 Why Bank is needed?
8.4.1 Secure Money, Earn Interest, Get Loan
8.4.2 Inculcate habit of saving
8.4.3 Remittances using Cheque Demand Draft
8.4.4 Avoid risk of chit funds, sahukars
8.4.5 Documents needed for opening a bank account
8.5 Banking Products
8.5.1 Types of Accounts and Deposit
8.5.2 Types of Loan and Overdrafts
8.5.3 Filling up of Cheques, Demand Drafts
8.6 Bank on your mobile
8.6.1 Mobile Banking
8.6.2 Mobile Wallet
8.7 Summary
8.8 Model Answer

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